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Detroit Boat Club
The Oldest Yachting Club in the Americas
Established in 1839


These are the committees defined within Detroit Boat Club . Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
DBC Board of Directors
To control and manage the business and property of the club the eight directors (consisting of the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Immediate Past Commodore, and four elected Directors) shall appoint committees as needed and shall define the committee's duties.
Subcommittees expand_more
Send out new member welcome letter, new member orientation, year calendar of Dinners – Extra Events. Record all members’ records, update and manage the website member roster. Enter membership data and help members with any membership issues. Recruit members.
DBC Store
Manage the DBC online store, order merchandise, fill orders, ship or deliver merchandise, coordinate receipts, assists treasurer in collections.
Dinner of the Month
To organize the dinner of the month, make reservations at the host club/restaurant, establish: a budget, menu, costs, date and time, diner’s special needs. Pay deposit fees, take member’s reservations, check in members at the dinner, check to make sure dinner’s special needs are met. Make sure all bills are paid. Recruit members for the committee.
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Extra Events
To organize the Extra Events, make reservations at the host club/restaurant/venue, establish: a budget, menu, activity, costs, date and time, Events’s special needs. Pay deposit fees, take member’s reservations, check in members at the Event, check to make sure Event’s special needs are met. Make sure all bills are paid. Recruit members for the committee.
Publish Notice of Race, set race date and time, type of race, race course, recruit racers, recruit race officials, race committee, race committee boats, and check with DRYA for other races. Acquire needed race equipment. Organize committee lunches, race prizes, order flags. Report race budget to board. Report race results to DRYA.
2024 Teaching Skippers
Skippers who are able to teach
2025 Intermediate Sailing Class
2025 Novice Session 1
2025 Novice Session 2
2025 Sail Class Students
Members Enrolled in the 2021 Sail Class Program
Certificate Holders And Significant Other Voting Eligible
Easily Identify all Certificate holders in DBC and their significant other eligible to vote
DRYA Representative
Attend DRYA meeting and advise Board of related information
Fleet Captain
Flying Scot Skippers
Members have completed and passed Skills Testing to take DBC owned FS Boats out
Naval Captains
Recruitment & Retention
The purpose of this committee it to increase and sustain the membership of DBC.